Literature: sources for books and reading recommendations.   Libraries: links to State, National and overseas libraries.

Books & Reading Recommendations

Remember to check out our Library Newsletters and Staff Picks for further recommendations

Book Browse your one-stop resource for books that entertain, engage and enlighten. Fiction – Non-fiction – Mystery/thriller – Young adult

Fantastic Fiction for searching and browsing bibliographies of over 50,000 bestselling fiction authors, with the latest books and series information.

Good Reading, an Australian resource and monthly magazine, is full of book reviews, articles, interviews, Q&As, podcasts, recipes, activities, book trivia and more!

GoodReads the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Sign-up to track the books you’re reading, have read, want to read, and get personalised book recommendations.

LibraryThing connects you to people who read what you do. The ultimate book sharing. Play Librarian and catalogue your own library onto LibraryThing.

LoveReading sharing the love of reading with personalised book selections, includes both fiction and non-fiction, audio and children’s books.

PK mag is Good Reading’s digital magazine for primary kids. It is full of book reviews, movies, music, arts and crafts, activities and more!

SFF World a genre website featuring the best in Science fiction, Fantasy and Horror. Includes both book and movie reviews, Interviews and discussion forums, and stories.

SpineOut is Good Reading’s digital magazine for young adults. It is full of book reviews, films, music, art, creative writing and more!

Stop You’re killing me! is a resource for lovers of mystery, crime, thriller, spy and suspense books. It has an alphabetical list of authors and importantly a book character list.

What’s Next: Books in Series database helps you search fiction series (two or more books linked by character(s),
settings, or other common traits) for children, teens & adults. Even includes Westerns.

Whichbook enables millions of combinations to suggest books to match your needs. It utilises sliders you move to set your choice of factors that are important for you.


Australian Libraries Gateway

Find a library in Australia – the Gateway web-based directory service has information on approximately 5,200 Australian libraries and cultural institutions, their collections and services.

Public Libraries Victoria

PLV is the peak body for public libraries in Victoria, with representation through institutional membership from every public library in the state. PLV holds information and profiles for each library service throughout the state including branches, mobile libraries, maps, opening hours and special features.

LibsVic logo landscape border

Libraries Victoria

Libraries Victoria provides shared services for libraries across Victoria. It is committed to developing and expanding the range of services available to all libraries. Member libraries may choose to share their resources by making their collections available to other library users within the consortium, or operate as stand-alone services.

State Library of Victoria

Established in 1854 as the Melbourne Public Library, the State Library Victoria is Australia’s oldest public library and one of the first free public libraries in the world. Its resources are available both on-site and online for researchers, students, families, young and lifelong learners, culture creators, and regional Victorians.


Explore Trove’s amazing collections from Australian libraries, universities, museums, galleries and archives.

Search for digital copies of newspapers, Government Gazettes, maps, magazines and newsletters. Or books, pictures, photographs, archived websites, music and interviews.

Search Trove to locate books and other physical items held in libraries and organisations around Australia.

National Libraries