Horsham Community Directory

Information about Horsham and the region.

Horsham U3A

Courses and activities for mature age learners.

Horsham Rural City

Horsham Rural City Council logo

Horsham Library





Horsham Rural City is a vibrant, multi-cultural community situated in the heart of the Wimmera region. The municipality has a population of 19,880, covering an area of 4,267 square kilometres.

West Wimmera Shire


Situated along the Victorian-South Australian border, West Wimmera is home to 4,500 residents. It covers 9,200 square kilometres of predominantly agricultural land.

Edenhope Library
Goroke Library
Harrow Library
Kaniva Library

Public Libraries Victoria

Public Libraries Victoria is the peak body for public libraries, representing libraries across the state.

PLV supports resource sharing managing material acquisition contracts and promoting how libraries add value to and change lives.

Libraries Victoria

Libraries Victoria provides shared services for libraries across Victoria.

Libraries Victoria (formerly the Swift Consortium) is committed to developing and expanding the range of services available to all libraries. Member libraries may choose to share their resources by making their collections available to other library users within the consortium, or operate as stand-alone services.