Get online access to electronic versions of magazines plus links to local newspapers and historic newspapers

CouldLibrary NewsStand eMagazines

eMagazines are now available on CloudLibrary NewsStand.

Read where you want, when you want. Available to read on a range of devices. Access digital magazines from Australia and overseas for free, 24/7, using your Wimmera Libraries membership.

Available to download from Apple Store and Google Play, or view on your PC.

* “CloudLibrary NewsStand” is different to “CloudLibrary”. Please ensure you have the correct app downloaded to access CLNS eMagazines.

BorrowBox eMagazines

BorrowBox ePress provides free access to the lastest issues of a select range of eMagazines and previous issues for Wimmera Libraries’ patrons. Read online or download to read later offline. Access eMags, eBooks and eAudiobooks all on the one app.

Download BorrowBox app on Apple and Android or access on your PC.

For instructions how to download and login to BorrowBox, click here.

Good Reading Magazine & Hub

Access the online magazine, plus book reviews and resources

Young Adults Good Reading Hub

Young Adult book reviews and resources that encourages reading


An online magazine for teenagers where you can express your ideas and thoughts and to share your creativity in words, art, film or music.

PK mag

Online magazine for primary school students to share their creativity in words, art, film or music.