Find a wide range of learning resources for all ages.

Topics covered include help learning how to use a computer, tablet or smartphone; money management, maths, science and more.

We now have an A to Z Journal Listing page that contains all the journals available on CloudSource OA.


A vast selection of engaging (and practical) IT-based education modules – with thousands of detailed, quick-lesson tutorials, covering topics like: Computer and Technology Basics, KIDS (and Adults) Online Safety, Bullying, Social Media, Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Google, Business, Music, Digital Photography, Graphic Design, Web-Design, Coding, Programming, Robotics, and much more.

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This Australian Government website is a great place to start with simple, guided lessons that begin with the basics. Create an account to help track your progress.

The latest Course is all about using the cloud, the benefits of using the cloud and using the cloud in everyday life.

Want some one-on-one help with getting connected or device advice? – contact your local library to book a 15 or 30 minute session.

Rural Women Online

An Australian IT site created by women, for women, with the goal of bridging the gap between rural and regional women and online participation.

A series of ten short video tutorials covering topics from scammers and online payments, to managing passwords and securing social media accounts.

They are quick to watch, easy to understand and allow viewers to pause, play, review and learn at their own pace!


An American Library website with a good range of introductory course on computers and the Internet.


An American site of the Goodwill Community Foundation, which offers a wide range of online learning courses from technology through to maths and reading.

Khan Academy

Discover practice exercises, instructional videos and a personalised learning dashboard that empowers learners to study at their own pace. The platform is free and focuses on maths, science, computer programming, history, economics and more.


The MoneySmart site from the Australian Securities & Investments Commission offers free, independent guidance so you can make most of your money. The site has smart tips on dealing with the ups and downs of life, such as losing your job, having a baby, divorce or separation, buying a home or losing your partner. There is even a whole section of MoneySmart just for teachers.


Instructables lets you explore, document and share your creations. Browse through thousands of creations and learn how to build and make almost anything.

Massive Open Online Courses

Massive Open Online Courses allow you to enrol in subjects from leading universities around the world. They range from free short courses to paid online degrees.
